Reasons I Lost Interest in Guys Who Had a Chance

So you know what to avoid on a date.

Desiree Peralta


Photo by Wiktor Karkocha on Unsplash

Before I was with my current partner, my dating history was quite interesting.

Since I pursued an engineering career, I had many options to choose from, which allowed me to find the best men with patience. As a result, a few people caught my attention.

However, once I got to know them deeply, I decided not to continue dating them. They seemed like a good catch at first glance, but there were some red flags that I could not ignore once we went out for the first time.

Here, I will tell you some of those reasons why I lost interest in them, so, if you ever wondered why someone walked away from you or “ghosted you” after showing interest in you, this could be a possibility.

One of the guys I dated never stopped talking about his ex all night.

This guy was the typical Mr. Perfect.

He was always well-dressed and perfumed. He said the right words at the right time, and everyone liked him.

I knew him from high school, but he was too cool and popular to hang out with me at that time, so we never actually talked until I went to college. As he was older than me, he offered to show me the…



Desiree Peralta

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