Remember What You Don't Want in Life

Experience is the best teacher

Writer's Dream
4 min readJan 19, 2023


Photo by Pixabay:

Life gives us people and situations. Some make us happy, and some do not.

When something annoys us, it is the cosmic signal that we work on ourselves to escape the unfriendly situation.

When we know what we don’t want, we attract what is close to our hearts.

How do you know what you don't want in life?

In our teens, we want to explore everything in the world. It’s that romantic phase when we see life through a fantasy lens. We want to try too many things in our profession, travel the whole world, and have the dream life partner by our side.

At 20, I set targets for my career and personal life. Unfortunately, nothing went by my plan. It was painful at that time. But now I see them as blessings. When our plans fail, it indicates what is not for us.

In the early years, we do not know what we exactly want. We want to try so many things. When life hits us, we know what things to avoid.

Let’s take a few examples.

We know which job role best suits us after working for many years. We cannot know right at the first year of a career what is the suitable job for us.

I never thought that writing could be my hobby. The only time I enjoyed writing was when I wrote essays for school exams. It was only through many disappointments I figured out that I enjoy writing.

In teens, we hang out with many people. The more vibrant our social circle is, the merrier our life. It is the assumption we have when we grow. But as we grow old, we understand which social circle inspires us and which demotivates us. We like to keep only those in our inner circle who elevate us.

When we are young, we have a set picture in mind about our future life partner. Several factors influence it.

  • The people we hang around,
  • The digital content we consume
  • The life goal we have

But these criteria drastically change as we grow old.

I remember when I was young, my criteria for my life partner was someone ambitious and career driven. But now it has changed completely. Honesty and humility are the priorities now.

How did I change so much? Life experience is the best teacher.

To summarise, the only way we can know what we don’t want is through life experiences.

How to avoid what does not work for you

You are halfway to your soul-purpose when you know what you don’t want.

A few ways in which we can avoid what annoys us are -

Understand what is in your control and what is not — If you do not like your job, you always have the option to search for new jobs. It is under your control.

Bad weather is not something that you can control. You wake up one morning and find it is raining and gloomy outside. It annoys you, but you cannot do anything to fix this.

So how to avoid negative thinking?

You have to work on yourself to avoid this unwanted experience.

  • You can stay indoors and work.
  • If it’s not a working day, you can spend the day cooking and doing meditation.
  • Rainy days can be a perfect day to enjoy indoor hobbies like painting, embroidery, and reading.
  • You can upskill yourself by enrolling in an online course.

When you do something out of the box in an unfavorable situation, you invent many possibilities that might seem unrealistic in a friendly time.

Covid has taught us that there could be many online career options. These were not so popular, but the tough time has shown us many ways to earn money.

It applies to any situation in life that does not go our way.

How to attract what you desire

Once you know which work or people give you more peace and happiness, start interacting with similar-minded people. Science suggests a growth-oriented mentality can accelerate manifestation.

For example, if you enjoy writing, interact with the writers. Read books about established authors. You can get many perspectives.

  • How they started their writing journey?
  • What are the struggles they faced when they started?
  • What are the writing methods they use?
  • How do they start a business out of writing?

You can get better clarity to reach your higher calling when you read and interact with them.

The idea is to do anything more which makes you happy.

It can be anything you love.

  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Creative writing
  • Painting
  • Graphic design


Identify what works better for you. It could be anything in your life. If it is under your control, walk away. If it is not under your control, find alternate ways to be happy. This way, you grow in life.



Writer's Dream

Aspiring writer. I write about online writing and simple lifestyle tips. Let's connect :