Simplicity is the New Luxury

It’s about small things in life

Writer's Dream
3 min readApr 10, 2023


Simplicity has its own richness. We need to tap into this to make our lives more beautiful.
Photo by Sensei Minimal on Unsplash

Today I was thinking about my simple childhood days.

I was having tea with my colleague and discussed how simple those days were. We did not require expensive things, multiple vacations a year, and big money to be happy.

I am not saying these are bad. Every year we see incredible technological advancement. It has made our lives easy. We saw how digital technology worked as a genie during the pandemic to provide the essentials to our doorstep without stepping out.

The benefits that we enjoy are countless.

But at the same time, it has given us few side effects.

A small list that I can think of is -


We worry about not seeing a blue tick in our WhatsApp messages.

Over-dependency on electronic gadgets

Cash comes in handy when the mobile network is unavailable for cashless transactions.

Unnecessary expenditure

Easy access to what we want makes us spend more. Online shopping is an example. Sometimes we buy not because we need it, but because we are getting discounts.

Every coin has two sides. Below are a few gifts of technology that we enjoy without realizing how lucky we are.

Online courses

Today, we can learn whatever we want from the comfort of our homes.


Video call has removed geographical boundaries.

Virtual travel

It is my favorite. We can see the whole world without stepping out of our homes.

Financial service

We can open a bank account within a few clicks.

Today, we can have almost the whole world at a single click. The algorithms can read our minds and give us what we desire.

But the question is, even after having so much, are we genuinely happy?

In the old days, we had what we needed. Today, we do not need most of the things we possess. But we do not have what we need.

Below are a few ways to access simplicity in our lives.

Daily digital detox

Set some time every day without electronic gadgets.

Include hobbies in daily life

A few things you can try are —

  • Zentangle art
  • Knitting
  • Sketching/painting
  • Writing
  • Skygazing

When you enjoy what you do, you enter the flow state. It keeps you relaxed and productive at the same time.

Learn new skills(not online)

You can try

  • Dance class
  • Pottery making
  • Yoga
  • Painting
  • New language

You become part of the learning community by learning new things outside your phone.

Undivided attention

When you spend time with your family, keep your phone away. It helps you to be fully in the moment.

Healthy boundaries

It has become more important these days because everybody is accessible over the Internet.

Small goals

If we set an achievable small goal, we feel positive after attaining them.

Limited ambition

If we always run after achieving something, we forget to pause and enjoy what we have already achieved.

Closeness with nature

It keeps you rejuvenated and gives you a bigger perspective.


In this age, when technology advances in the blink of an eye, we cannot live without it. When we use digital devices in moderation, we harness the gift in the best possible way.



Writer's Dream

Aspiring writer. I write about online writing and simple lifestyle tips. Let's connect :