Somedays, You Just Have To Take The Small Wins…

Anna D. Invernizzi
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2019

Even when you’re hurting.

Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

We all experience times in our lives where we feel truly desolate.

Gut-wrenching, heart-aching, worn-down-to-nothing empty, and I know from experience just how easy it is for these moments to take over.

They warp our perspective, and before you know it that one unlucky incident becomes a bad day, compounded into the week from hell and year to be struck from memory; if we let it.

The Universe isn’t conspiring against you

It’s just very easy to overlook mindset in the small matters.

In the big stuff, sure; business, careers, hopes, dreams and manifesting our ultimate reality — we all know that mindset it vital there, but what about when you’re facing your own personal relentless, daily uphill-battle? Whatever that may be…

How do you master your mindset in the midst of that battle, to keep going and find the positive even when it looks like there isn’t any?

Because the truth is that daily grind will wear you down, unless you can take stock of and appreciate the little things.

The little wins.

You’ve got to find that tiny little ray of positive, stick it in your mindset bank and hold on to it — because each tiny particle adds up, and when you give it your attention. It grows to create greater positivity.


Instead of thinking “well, nothing went right today”, try to make a conscious mental note of the parking space you found (despite the rain), or the discount you got (despite the bill), or the person who held the door open (despite the queue), or the 2.45 minutes precisely where the children played together in perfect harmony, before it all broke down again.

I’ve learned that the more you remember and come back to those tiny particles of positive, the more your mind will naturally gravitate towards seeing the good in things.

No, it’s not foolproof and I certainly don’t walk around thinking I’ve got it all figured out, but finding the positive despite whatever else is going on around becomes a reflex.

Being able to smile, appreciate nature, a bird, a song, the sky — whatever makes your heart a little more contented — that will get you through anything. It adds colour to the lines and the grey of the day and reminds me personally that there is so much more to everything in existence than that one shitty moment.

“I want to see beauty. In the ugly, in the sink, in the suffering, in the daily, in all the days before I die, the moments before I sleep.”
Ann Voskamp

It doesn’t mean that I’m happy all the time either, or that I don’t allow myself to process the bad incidences in my life by bypassing or avoidance. It just means sometimes I choose to have a sense of humor and take myself back to that mindset bank, even if the world just ended for a moment, or an hour, and I need to put the pieces back together again.

And there I find gratitude.

I chose to share this because I think far too many people become overwhelmed in the face of other peoples’ positivity, and wonder why it can’t be them — or worse — feel they are unworthy of being positive or happy because bad things are or have happened in their lifetimes and they’ve temporarily lost the ability to use that reflex.

Yet some of the most inspiring people in the world have found hope in the most appalling conditions, and sometimes the only win that you can take from the day is the fact that you got through it without breaking completely — those days you need to celebrate the most. Because whether you see it or not, you chose not to quit. That is a positive, that is a win, and even though you may not see that you are gaining ground. You didn’t give up.

In a position of utter desolation, when man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way — an honorable way — in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfillment.

Viktor E. Frankl

As seasons pass and years roll by, you can either roll with them or cultivate the intention to look for the good in each and feed your own positive mental reflexes.

You can change your life, and hold on to what matters most regardless of the noise.

Yeah, the world is always watching, but that only gives you the chance to inspire others along your way. Just keep going.



Anna D. Invernizzi

Multidimensional Creative | Exhibited Artist | Exploring life & all facets of the human experience @alchemist.of.the.arts