Sometimes You Get More Than a Latté

The power of something greater to soothe a broken heart

Sandy Peckinpah
Published in
7 min readDec 11, 2017


Hot Latte Coffee in restaurant
@ Pattertock

The viral photo… You may have seen it.

Three young men leaning out of the drive-thru of Dutch Bros Coffee, their hands joined with the woman inside the car. It was a candid moment, caught by a random iPhone.

The 37-year-old woman was a frequent customer, and typically very friendly. But on this day, something was different. The barista saw her struggle to repeat the order, choking back tears. She apologized and said she’d lost her husband just a few hours before.

In a spontaneous moment, all three baristas reached out through the window, grabbed her hand, and they began to pray.

The person in the car behind took the picture and shared it with the world.

courtesy of

I saw the photo and started to cry; sort of barking really, because today I have no voice. I’m sitting in bed, struggling with the flu and laryngitis. My throat tightened and I convulsed into sobs with no sound.

It triggered a time years ago when I lost my ability to cry out loud.



Sandy Peckinpah

Write to be happy. Author, Blogger, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, on Medium since 2016.