Spring Into New Life With Stories

Grow hope

Nicole Akers


Photo by Nathalie De Boever from Pexels

Spring is a perfect time for growth and hope. The blooming of trees and flowers offers anticipation of aspirations. For many, the external sights renew an internal desire to prune life and activities that don’t matter. This is a good time to clean out flowerbeds of leaves and decay and remove clutter from drawers and closets. Writing about life as a journey helps process action. While you’re at it, enjoy some of the best stories.

Ayodeji Awosika offers realizations

I get it. You don’t want someone talking from a pedestal, telling you what to do. It’s easy enough for someone like me to start doling out advice without sharing any insights from my own life. So, that’s what I’ll do. → READ MORE.

Sean Kernan helps you drown out distractions

The “It’s Your Mother” White Noise Playlist for 37-Year-Old Men Who Still Don’t Live with Their Girlfriend

It’s difficult to focus these days, particularly with the endless distractions and flashing screens. Even further, the lockdown has made us feel more isolated from our families than ever before.



Nicole Akers

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.