Start Today to Get Younger Tomorrow

Do You Know How to Easily Reverse Your Biological Age?

Elaine Hilides


Baby as office manager
Unsplash+ In collaboration with Getty Images

I snapped the aloe vera leaf and smeared the gel around my eyes, convinced I would wake up wrinkle-free in the morning.

But I hadn’t hit on a cheap and effective way to roll back the years as my skin reacted to the gel, leaving the delicate skin puffy and painful.

How far would you go to turn back the years?

Tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson spends millions a year trying to reduce his biological age. He’s happy to undergo a torturous exercise regime and numerous treatments to achieve his aim, but what can you do if you don’t have his time and money?

Change your Cell by Date

What if you could ignore your cell by date and choose a new one?

How on earth can you do that?

It sounds like the stuff of movies, doesn’t it?

Or is it?

Scientists at the Biology of Aging Program at the National Institute of Aging in Maryland believe we could live decades longer if we could prevent molecular damage in our cells.

If your cells were repaired and replaced as designed, you’d have perfect cells every day and never have to grow old.



Elaine Hilides

I'll help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Currently enjoying a digital nomadic life travelling, working and having fun.