Still Waiting For A Response….

Tina Viju
Published in
6 min readDec 6, 2018

There are so many great things about Medium — the talented pool of writers, their amazing, gripping words that hypnotize me and above all having a place where you can be your MOST AUTHENTIC self and be accepted as is.

But there is one thing that annoys me. My biggest pet peeve on Medium is -

When WRITERS don’t respond back to my comments!

Now before you call me a whiny, sensitive baby, hear me out.

I know many times, there’s nothing much to reply back. Sometimes it’s even painful to reply back, especially when you are grieving, unwell or recovering.

Sometimes it’s negative comments and they don’t deserve your time. Sometimes we just forget, we are human after all.

Most of the time, everyone is busy with this little thing called ‘LIFE’. I get it.

All perfectly valid reasons.

But when you are a writer, REPLYING BACK to your readers can help you in more ways than not.

First of all, I don’t leave comments for people as a marketing ploy, so that they will remember my name or so that they will reciprocate the favor.

I usually respond to articles, when something the author is saying-

has really vowed me and I just HAVE to let them know.

really resonates with me from a personal experience.

makes me empathize with them and I want to reach out.

grabs my attention and I want to share my own views on that subject.

I also respond to encourage new writers, many of whom are really good. Just a few months back, I was in their spot, doubting myself and hoping for someone to respond. I remember how elated I was, the first time someone responded to my story.

A little support can go a long way.

So it is kind of annoying when I don’t get a response back or just get a clap back.

For, I was waiting to hear straight from the horse’s mouth itself!

I must say the majority of writers are really good at responding back. But there are just some horses who you never hear from!

Here are some reasons, I feel we should take the time to reply back-

It shows your professionalism.

Writing might be just a hobby for you. You might have a full-time job, kids and a packed schedule. But when you take the time to respond in spite of all that, it shows your work ethic.

It will never go unnoticed.

I have seen writers with articles that have gone viral, respond to each and every comment. That is really commendable in my eyes and makes me respect them even more.

Just a few days ago, I got a response back from a writer for whose article I had commented on a long time back. I had forgotten all about it. I was impressed that they had still bothered to respond to me after all this time.

It shows you have manners.

The first lesson we teach babies- Always say thank you !

Reader’s kind words have boosted my morale and uplifted my mood during some of my lowest points.

How can I not thank them for that act of kindness ?

Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you!

It shows you value other people’s time.

I have been humbled and deeply touched when readers responded back to me with a reply, sometimes as long as my post. They must also have a busy LIFE, yet they went out of their way to comfort me, encourage me and leave me more strong.That means more than any money earned.

Even the readers who responded with just a few words are no less. They could have chosen to not bother.

But they DID and that is time out of their busy day. I greatly appreciate that.

I must acknowledge the time and heart they put in. It’s basic decency.

It shows humility. You value what others have to say and not just what you have to write.

I once came across a popular writer’s article here on Medium, when I was new and responded to them. So did another dozen people. The article did very well. But none of us got a response back acknowledging us or answering the questions we posed.

The said writer has a million articles on ‘How to this …… and ‘How to that ….. But sadly they didn’t know ‘How to respond back’ !

Being a writer for me doesn’t just mean, hitting ‘Publish’ nonstop and waiting for the claps to roll in. It also means wanting to engage with readers, getting their feedback, their varied opinions, taking in new viewpoints and widening my horizons.

Learning is a 2 way street and it should never end.

It shows you respect people.

When you respond to everyone and not just the editors or top writers, it shows you value everyone equally.

Some writers even go the extra mile. After saying their thank yous, they continue the discussion by further asking about their readers. That’s highly impressive and savvy of them! I applaud them!

Those extra FEW minutes that they are putting in, is building and solidifying connections with their readers which will undoubtedly help them down the road!

It just takes a FEW minutes at the most to reply.

Coming up with a story, writing and editing it, is what takes time for me, sometimes 1–3 days. Replying to some one’s comment only takes 1–5 minutes.

So, if you have time to write an article from start to finish, and have time to keep checking notifications , you HAVE time to write a reply!

It shows the personal side of you.

Not to make us sound like celebrities, but people always want to connect with the person behind the story.

Are you for REAL or a Russian bot ?

Are you as crazy as you sound in your story ?

Don’t leave them hanging!

NO, I am not a Russian bot and YES, I am as crazy as I come across in my stories!

It’s an opportunity, don’t waste it.

Till I get on Oprah’s couch, this is the only means I will have to connect with my readers, 1 on 1.

So I must make good use of it.

Greater insights which only come from interaction, help me improve my writing and sometimes even give me ideas for future stories.

And most of all, when we write a story, isn’t this what we really wish for -

Some one will respond and give us an honest review of our article.

So, when we DO get that response, shouldn’t we DO the obvious?

Respond Back ??

Lastly, the reader DOES NOT owe us anything. Even though we may believe, we have so generously enlightened them with the copious amounts of wisdom, which we directly channeled from Buddha!


The readers are the ones who can turn your article from an ordinary one to a trending one. Remember you are even getting paid more, the more a reader engages with you.

So, I definitely think a little response would be in order!

So, hey you,

I know you are right in front of your screen checking for notifications! (because that’s what I do!)

Don’t just hog all the claps and responses. Reply back also. Your readers will appreciate it and tune in back for more!

Cheers and I promise to respond to you!



Tina Viju

Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper