Stop Doing & Start Being

How To Reduce Anxiety & Heal Your Mind By Becoming Present

Keenan Eriksson


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

“Instead of learning to talk to yourself better, maybe you need to listen to yourself better.”

I recently heard this (paraphrased) quote from the legendary Peter Crone, AKA The Mind Architect.

And it appeared for me (in the form of a podcast) directly on the heels of a long period of grinding the axe.

Getting after it.

Burning the candle.

Or whatever other disciplinary mannerism best suits your fancy.

It was all resistance.

You see, after about 6 weeks into this journey of badassery, I slowed down. It was part of “the plan” to avoid burnout, but in truth, I really wanted to get through it ASAP and return to my self-flagellating lifestyle of “staying hard.”

Instead, I found a treasure I thought I’d long lost:


Stop doing & start being.


Let’s backtrack a bit.

When I was supposed to attend 8th grade, my father homeschooled me for a year. We can psychoanalyze that bit of my life elsewhere, but one of the highlights that year was my introduction to Buddhism…



Keenan Eriksson

Biohacking-Based Life Coach & Author. I Help My Clients Overcome Disease Optimize Their Lives Using Biology.