Stop Trying To Find Yourself And Do This Instead

Find the voice of reason beneath all the noise for a more vibrant life.

Jesse Pedersen


Mathieu Stern

Since the beginning of mankind, exemplary thinkers have exalted self-understanding as one of the greatest virtues.

Socrates is famously known for coining the phrase, “Know thyself.” Similarly, Confuscious has been quoted for the maxim, “To understand yourself is the key to wisdom.”

One may even declare self-knowledge as the ultimate form of knowledge — far surpassing any other domain of knowledge — simply because it allows the possessor to function at his or her best.

In this era of expert advertising and 8-second attention spans, it is especially rare to find people who contain a thorough understanding of themselves. Yet, the few and far between are easily distinguishable from the ignorant masses.

Those with a high degree of self-knowledge exude an aura of comfortability and contain a distinct quality of expertise that’s hard to miss. They are the epoch-defining people — the Morgan Freemans, Jimi Hendrixes, and Steve Jobs — notable innovators who you just-can’t-help-but-listen-to even if you don’t agree with everything they do or say. There’s just something contagious about them that pulls you in like a magnate.



Jesse Pedersen

Troubadour. Truth Seeker. Hopeless Dreamer. Find me on Spotify