Don’t Make Fun of Kanye

How it’s happening.

Alicia Rust



Let’s talk about Kanye.

Over the years, we’ve all heard of some (or many) of Kanye West’s eccentricities. Knowing that bipolar mania could be behind them, though, should make us more patient and understanding with him. A person with such a diagnosis needs a support system. If I, who am unknown to most, struggle with bipolar…someone in the spotlight must struggle more immensely due to the public shaming of his words and behaviors.

Wikipedia / Pixabay

I didn’t care much for Kanye until he shared his bipolar diagnosis in 2016. Then, I understood him better. I was proud he let us know what he was battling. Mental illness needs to be spoken about. Myths need to be debunked. Understanding and empathy need to increase.


There is not just one type of bipolar, and a bipolar diagnosis is not the same for everyone. There are a variety of symptoms and a spectrum. Mental health is touted as important, more so in recent years; however, ignorance abounds in understanding mental illness.

  1. Not all thoughts and actions are results of mental illness.



Alicia Rust

Writer. Lover of dark chocolate, coffee, tea, & being me. I’m an anxiety-ridden, chronic depression survivor...