Stress Makes My Hair Fall Out. What’s Your Tell?

Pay attention to your body’s signs of stress

Mary Gallagher


Photo by Sherise VD on Unsplash

You may not realize it, but your body speaks to you, too. Those stiff shoulders you’ve been hurling up to your ears for too long. The pain in the middle of your gut that you brush off as indigestion from Taco Tuesday. Maybe it’s the hives that come from out of nowhere and the allergist wants to blame your laundry detergent or your son’s hamster.

Chronic headaches, migraines, teeth clenching at night, frequent colds, irritable bowel, anxiety attacks… There is a myriad of ways our bodies communicate with us that they are stressed. Some are not so obvious. Learning to be still and curious about what your body is saying is a good start to learning its language.

My hair has taken quite a beating over the years from stress. It’s not the only part of my body that’s suffered but it’s now become my “tell” — that one sign that lets me know my body is feeling the effects of a stressful event.

My husband has allowed chronic stress to rule his life for so long that his body finally rebelled so loudly he couldn’t ignore it. Covid 19 took its toll on an already stressed nervous system and rendered him as helpless a kitten.

He now works with a mind/body therapist who helps him tune in to his body’s…



Mary Gallagher

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul