Struggling to Find Love? The Solution May Be Doing Nothing at All

A Guide To Finding ‘The One’

Isaac Breese


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

At one time or another, we’ve all prayed for a girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse.

Then someone comes along, who you initially thought may be the one, but they end up not being the person you expected them to be. They hurt you, robbed you of your happiness, and wasted months even years of your life.

You blame God for sending them into your life. You think ‘how could God be so cruel to me’.

But was it really God who sent them into your life or did you choose them?

A lot of times we like to put the blame on God for the things we’ve caused. We accuse him of sending people our way that he never intended to be there.

Just because God allowed you to be in a bad relationship doesn’t mean he caused it. But sometimes we mistake our free will for his will but we quickly realize the two are not the same.

We have to distinguish between who we choose and who God sends. Or else, we will always blame our human error in choosing an inadequate partner on what we perceive to be God’s poor discretion.

Don’t Let Anxiety Lead To Choosing Bad Partners

“Don’t worry about…



Isaac Breese

Fashion Designer who loves writing about Christianity, Education and Style