Talking to a Female Customer Support Agent About Men’s Skincare ( And Intimate Care ) Needs

Support executives are also humans. Entertain them. Or, in my case, flirt!

Sanjeev Yadav


Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

Women have been obsessed with skincare since before my puberty hit. Men are just catching up.

Even I started with a non-negotiable morning and evening skincare routine around six months ago when I understood the dangers of going to sleep at night without washing your face.

I won’t snark on the brand whose skincare products I use, but once their customer support team reached out to me for a survey on a 1:1 phone call, the discussion started on an awkward note, but we ended up feeling energised.

Have you ever talked to a customer support agent for 40 minutes while enjoying the discussion? I did, and here are three takeaways from my chat.

#1. We’re hiding our true personalities more than we’re willing to admit.

Once I heard her first hello, I thought I was talking to an IVR because her sound was so smooth she felt like a robot.

I wasn’t customary to seeing a woman answer skincare queries for men.

Once I gave honest feedback about the quality and efficacy of their products from my two years of experience, the discussion quickly shifted to new product ideas in a few minutes. Then we talked about non-survey-related things around 60% of the time.

We talked about skincare myths and laughed our brains off.

What started as a business-driven conversation shifted to having a fun and enlightening discussion about gender-neutral skincare needs.

#2. Stereotyping is for closed-minded people.

The obsolete idea I had in mind was about women answering queries about men’s skincare.

Although as flawed as my thinking was back then, it showed me that knowledge doesn’t see gender. If you can use your experience to help your people, that’s all that matters.

Even if a gynecologist’s job is not gender-specific, why should a skincare profession be limited to whose problems we’re addressing?

#3. Humour is not a luxury. It’s a necessity.

Here is a new feature about comedy I experienced a few months ago that radically shifted my perspective on the power of humour.

If you’re a natural at finding the fun element in everything you do, struggle for you is nothing but failure doing its dance before you eat its face in one sitting.

Making someone’s day — even in the tiniest way possible — is a powerful signal to our mind that we’ve put positive energy into the world.

And even though I’m not a fan of the Law of Attraction, I see its impact on my life in unexpected ways.

As social creatures, we thrive on a sense of connection because of how we’re built.

And if there is anything to make people comfortable, it’s a positive outlook towards life and a cheerful attitude even in the darkest moments.

Closing thoughts.

Of all the creatures in the universe, I didn’t know I would vibe with a customer support agent. Those people, in my head, were supposed to be the most boring humans in our solar system.

But every person you meet has an exciting story, a possible ambitious future, and carries mental baggage they would instead not share with anyone because of fear of judgement.

But when you put a smile on someone’s face, you’ll see how quickly they open their heart to you by letting their guard down.

Humour is an effective way to create a sense of comfort. When comfortable and cosy, we’re more welcoming and exciting to hang around.

Here is a recap for your memory based on my unexpectedly long discussion with a support agent that changed my view on the importance of humour and empathy:

  1. We’re hiding our true personalities more than we’re willing to admit. Expressing our raw self is what helps us make genuine connections.
  2. A closed-minded attitude won’t let you appreciate change.
  3. Humour is a life hack once you become a natural at showing it.

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Sanjeev is a mentor, writer, and fitness enthusiast from India. He writes about lifelong learning, personal growth, and positive psychology. When he’s not engaging with students in solving their doubts or busy writing, he’s sweating either in a workout, vlogging or playing with his cat, Jim. You can also find him on Instagram and Twitter.



Sanjeev Yadav

Writer • Mentor • Recovering Shopaholic • IITR 2019 • ✍🏼 Personal Growth, Positive Psychology & Lifelong Learning• IG & Threads: sanjeevai