Talking to God When You Can’t Pray

Sometimes prayer isn’t easy

Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach


Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

Talking to God isn’t always easy — regardless of whether you’ve been praying for years or have never said a single one.

There are times you want to pray and nothing comes. There are times when you’re too broken or grieving to focus on prayer. There are times when the right words seem too hard to find.

What even are the right words?

Until two years ago, I’d prayed every day of my life — as far back as I can remember. Prayer felt as natural and easy as walking. The year before my marriage ended, I sat on the floor in my wardrobe every morning and prayed harder than ever. I’d always felt close to God when I prayed. But in that wardrobe, praying for answers, I was alone and the harder I prayed the more alone I felt. After I finally decided to leave the marriage, I found my ability to pray left as well.

I wanted to pray but my mind was so frozen with grief, so exhausted from years of fighting for a failing marriage, nothing would come.

Here’s what I learnt about talking to God when you can’t pray:

1. One word is enough

I told a good friend of mine I was having trouble praying and he said this:



Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach

New Zealand-based essayist | @ Business Insider, Mamamia, Oh Reader, Thought Catalog, ScaryMommy and more. Say hi at