Tesla’s New Robot Will Clean, Cook, and Even Walk Your Dog

Insights on how robots will change healthcare, elderly care, transport, and other everyday tasks

Gaurav Dahiya


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Ever since we were kids, we’ve been captivated by robots in movies, from Star Wars to Transformers, that filled our childhood imaginations.

They weren’t just machines; they were companions, heroes, and sometimes even villains that shaped our childhood dreams of the future.

But what once seemed like fantasy is on the verge of becoming reality with Tesla’s Optimus, a bipedal humanoid robot. Optimus is designed to mimic human capabilities and has the potential to handle a wide range of tasks.

Elon Musk says the robot will eliminate dangerous, repetitive, and boring tasks.

Optimus can handle tasks such as:

  • Cleaning the house,
  • Doing the dishes,
  • Folding laundry,
  • Walking the dog,
  • Picking up your kids from school,
  • Or providing security when you’re away on vacation.



Gaurav Dahiya

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health Enthusiast | Conscious & Natural Living Advocate | Inquiries: thegaurav2022@gmail.com➡️ https://gauravdahiya.carrd.co/