The 5 Best Books on Writing You’ll Ever Need

How to adopt the mindset of a writer

N.A. Turner


Photo by Elijah Hail on Unsplash

Over three years ago I decided to finally give writing a serious go. I always wrote stories and abandoned about twelve novel projects. I never knew what I was doing. Until I decided to seriously study the craft.

I’ve followed many online (creative) writing courses, read thousands of articles, read a couple of dozen books, and most importantly: I wrote.

People often ask me, which books on writing are a MUST read? Out of everything I read, the following five books will give you that head start you need.

These books improved my craft substantially. The topics range greatly, from learning to plot to being creative, finetuning your craft, building habits, and to how you can best self-edit your story. Combined they set you up with the toolkit you need to write both fiction and non-fiction.

This is not an article about how to write, it’s an article that helps you become a productive writer. It’s about setting yourself up to become a writer through abandoning fear, embracing the creative process, playing around, building a routine, finding inspiration, and being persistent. However, we’ll also cover the plot, structure, style improvements, and self-editing.



N.A. Turner

I write about writing & creativity. Short story writer and novelist. Amazon best-selling author. Free eBook with writing tips: