The 5 Essential Elements For Writing a Good Short Story

How to determine your message, plot, structure, develop strong characters and write compelling dialogue

N.A. Turner


Have you always wanted to write a short story, but do you have no idea where to begin?

You came to the right place. Last month, I published a new book ‘How to Write a Short Story’. In the book, I show you a step-by-step process to successfully write and publish short stories. From developing an idea to attracting readers online.

But what’s the quickest way to get it right? What are the essential elements to get your story right? These following are the most important elements to creating a strong and compelling story.

1. Determine Your Message

“Fiction lets us try different mental states and experience other minds in action.” — Lisa Zunshine

When you write a short story, your short story will usually fit into a genre. In addition, you’re dealing with themes fitting to your story, based on issues and values you hold dear.

First, you must determine what it is you want to say. What bothers you? What do you find intriguing? What do you hold dear or…



N.A. Turner

I write about writing & creativity. Short story writer and novelist. Amazon best-selling author. Free eBook with writing tips: