My Daily Smartphone Usage Reduced By 90% Using This Simple System

A step-by-step guide with simple and unique strategies to help you do the same and reclaim your life

Gaurav Dahiya


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Phone dependence is real.

A whopping 84% of people can’t go a single day without their devices. This attachment runs deep, with many of us feeling anxious and uncomfortable if we can’t access our phones.

Yet it is so hard for people to accept that the very tool we use to numb the pain is secretly hijacking our minds.

Social media, with its endless stream of curated feeds and instant gratification, seems harmless. But it isn’t just a harmless habit—it’s a full-blown addiction for many people.

Brands and content creators monetize our time by providing us with endless entertainment just a click away. But as consumers, we are on the losing side. In fact, we’re spending an alarming amount of time glued to our phones — over 4 hours a day on average!

We tell ourselves we’re just browsing, but hours melt away, leaving a nagging guilt. It’s like when you’re hurt and have a drink to forget about it. It feels good for a little while, but then the pain comes back even stronger.



Gaurav Dahiya

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health Enthusiast | Conscious & Natural Living Advocate | Inquiries:➡️