The Father of Modern Medicine Left Us with a Doctor’s Prescription That Still Applies Today

Healthy Hippocrates quotes to make you feel well

George J. Ziogas


Photo: pict rider / Adobe Stock

Hippocrates of Cos (c. 460 — c. 375 BC) was a Greek physician of the Age of Pericles (Classical Greece) and is considered one of the most outstanding figures in medical history. He is referred to as the “Father of Medicine” or the “Father of Modern Medicine.” He’s also renowned for his quotes about health and other issues. In fact, his quotes are still famous today. Let’s look at the wisdom Hippocrates shared with the world and what you can learn from it.

“Health is wealth.”

One of the most memorable quotes by Hippocrates is “Health is wealth.” It’s a short, sweet, pithy quote, but what does it mean? There’s no deeper meaning here. If you have health, you have wealth, and this type of wealth is worth striving for. Just as people strive for wealth and financial well-being, health is also an investment, and having it makes you wealthy. If you feel healthy, you’re wealthy, no matter how low your bank account is. Unfortunately, people don’t always appreciate their health and take it for granted.

The sad reality is most people put more money and energy into keeping their car looking good and running well than their bodies. They…



George J. Ziogas

Vocational Education Teacher | HR Consultant | Personal Trainer | Manners will take you where money won't |