The Key Ingredients for Personal & Intellectual Growth

As things change, parts of you stay constant.

Jon Hawkins


Photo by Moody Potato on Unsplash

Things move so fast, don’t they? The world around us is moving quicker than ever before. In more ways than one:

If you blinked, you might miss these changes. To avoid getting left behind, most of us try and keep up with them: frightened of missing opportunities, we work hard, trying to utilize every second of every day. Evident from the fact that up to 85% of Americans work over 40 hours a week.

That emphasis on change leaves little room to stop and work on yourself – it prevents us from focusing on our mental and personal growth.

Just like a plant, there are essential ingredients that you need in order to grow. To thrive as a person, you need to create the right conditions and mentality…



Jon Hawkins

Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles which help you better understand the universe and your place in it.