The Little-Known Power of Going Slow to Go Fast

It’s counterintuitive

Saleem Rana
5 min readFeb 18, 2023


Photo by Sami Aksu on Pexels:

Do you have a dream?

Have you ever felt you don’t have enough time to make it happen?

The truth is, it doesn’t take more time to accomplish your goals or reach success. It takes the correct type of effort and a strategic approach.


This philosophy flies in the face of traditional advice to work hard and fast. But in reality, it’s the only way to make progress sustainably.

Going slow is often more effective than going fast.

Slowing down gives you time to assess your environment, gather more resources, and improve your timing.

In short, you’ll do everything better.

Let’s talk about it.

What to Do If Nothing’s Working?

You’ve worked hard, but your dreams still seem out of reach. It can be discouraging, but don’t give up.

Focus on the small steps and take action consistently. This will help you create momentum. It will help build up your confidence. It may not happen overnight — but you’ll make progress toward success.

Think about it: going slow also allows you to enjoy the journey.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Why You Need to Focus on Creating Quality Results

The goal isn’t just to get ahead fast — it’s about creating quality results.

Do your best work, and maintain a healthy balance. If something is worth doing, do it right.

Also, remember, no one can do it all themselves. When you connect with other like-minded people, exciting things happen. You discover new ideas and access more resources. This can help you move faster.

People may be more willing to support you than you imagine.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking…

How to Take Action Now — Without Rushing?

The essential thing is to take action. Any action. Some action every day. Even small steps count. Every action brings you closer to your goals. It sets the stage for bigger things.

Be confident in yourself and trust that with dedication and perseverance, you will succeed.

Take calculated risks, too. Sometimes, they pay off in the long run.

While progress is essential, you don’t need to rush. Celebrate your small successes and use them as motivation to keep going!

Remember, you’re setting the foundation for a lifetime of growth and success.

What’s the Antidote to Feeling Stuck?

I know the feeling.

Fortunately, there is an antidote to help combat feeling stuck when trying to move things in the right direction:

Go slow to make faster gains.

With this approach, you will become better equipped with techniques for staying motivated and focused over time — instead of letting energy drain away from burnout — allowing you to sustain momentum and finally reach your goals.

Also, celebrate small wins along the way.

Achieving a goal, no matter how big or small, should be celebrated and used as motivation for bigger wins in the future.

Focus on each milestone before moving on to the next one. Celebrating incremental wins will help keep your motivation and energy up, which in turn will make it easier to reach larger goals.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

How to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires Faster

The best way to describe how you can get what you want faster by slowing down is with some real-life examples.

Say you have a job interview — -you’ll want to prepare in advance and ensure you don’t rush into it blindly.

Focus on the details. Do your research and come up with the best answers.

Rushing things will likely result in more mistakes and confusion, so going slower and being deliberate about your preparation pays off.

The same thing goes for relationships:

If you’re looking for someone special, rushing things will only push them away instead of getting closer.

Never show desperation when dating.

Going slow can pay off when achieving your romantic goals.

Don’t be too eager — take your time. When you do, you’ll start manifesting all your desires, including winning over the love of your life.

How to Master New Skills Faster

Paying close attention to the details and nuances of a task can help you learn how to do it correctly.

Eliminating all distractions gives you room for better productivity, and reducing your stress levels facilitates a deeper understanding of the task in question.

Finally, take your time to properly understand what needs to be done so that it will come out right.

Taking my time to observe the details, correctly understanding and internalizing what needed to be done, eliminating distractions for better productivity, and reducing stress levels for increased focus and clarity has helped me produce higher quality work in many things I do.

For example, when I wrote this article, I took my time to understand each concept and how it fits into the overall message.

I researched and read up on related topics to better grasp what I was trying to express.

After I had a clear idea of what the article should be about, I wrote it in more detail.

This process involved me mentally breaking down each point and elaborating on them in a way that was easy to follow.

Taking my time with the article made it easy to pull everything together when it came time to write — everything flowed smoothly, ideas fell into place, and sentences almost seemed to write themselves.

How to Improve Your Results

Have you noticed? Taking the time to focus on how you approach tasks can help you improve your results.

By becoming aware of potential distractions and actively avoiding them, you can create an atmosphere conducive to productivity.

Taking the time to go slowly and observe the details can lead to tremendous success when tackling anything demanding.

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, taking the necessary steps to understand what needs to be done can result in far better performance. Do this even if it takes a little more time.

Moving forward, you should strive to approach all complex tasks with renewed energy and dedication while still taking the time to create the best results possible.



Saleem Rana

I have an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy and am passionate about personal development and helping readers flourish through insightful, empowering content.