
The Magic Potion that Will Save You From Procrastination

Michał Stawicki


Here is the magic anti-procrastination potion for you:

An Ounce of Self-analysis

As much as you cannot base your work habits on motivation alone — it’s important to examine your deep desires and follow them. Becoming productive for the sake of productivity will not cut the mustard!

We are social animals. According to Jim Rohn, one of the finest business philosophers of 20th century, our motivations come down to different groups of people.
Some people are motivated by their social status in the eyes of their peers, some want to impress their mentors, others do all they can do for their families. The last category of motivation applies to the wellbeing of humanity as a whole.

You need also to take an inventory of your talents, strengths and passions. We are naturally drawn to activities that we excel at. I have many talents, but I was never attracted to art. I suck at painting and every other artistic activity.

Daily habit: Journaling

(my journals)

Every morning I write half a page in my calendar ruminating about my ambitions…



Michał Stawicki

Authorpreneur. Progress fanatic. I help people change their lives… even if they don’t believe they can. I blog on