The Path to Financial Freedom Begins with Discipline

Because you’re not going to change your life overnight.

Matt Lillywhite


“Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference.” — Lou Holtz

To reach your goals, you need to be consistent with your habits. That saying is a cliche for a reason: it’s true. When you continually put one foot in front of the other, you’ll eventually reach your desired destination.

It doesn’t matter if you want to quit your job, buy a massive house, or travel around the world. To make your dreams a reality, you first need to implement financial discipline.

Here’s how to start.

Determine Your Needs vs Wants.

For a while, I spent way more money than necessary. Every time I went downtown, I treated myself to new clothes, headphones, and meals at fancy restaurants.

I used to buy anything and everything, just because I felt like it. So as you can imagine, my lack of financial discipline made it extremely difficult to save money.



Matt Lillywhite

Full-time storyteller. Want to earn a living from writing? I'll teach you how to get started —