The River and the Oak Tree

Live in life’s flow by letting go

David Majister


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I’m grateful that as a teenager I discovered the poverty and futility of setting goals. It’s a lesson I’m still absorbing.

I was sat in my college library, age 19, and instead of doing my coursework I was reading Anthony Robbins. I felt ashamed of reading self-help, so I kept looking up from the book, to see if any of my friends were around. I didn’t want to be asked what I was reading. I didn’t want to explain “I don’t feel good enough about myself and my life, so I’m searching for the secrets.”

In case you’re wondering, I’m still searching. Anyway, here’s what I read:

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”― Anthony Robbins

Robbins encouraged me to apply this to a specific goal. I’d just started learning to drive. I’d been living abroad, but was now back home, living with my parents. Being able to drive would give me the independence I craved. The driving test in the UK is pretty tough — it usually takes a minimum of 40 hours of driving practice before you’re ready to take the test.

I’d come across Tony Robbins through a psychology course. At the time, Robbins was generously giving away copies of his book Notes from a Friend. I ordered a copy from his website, and found myself getting pumped…



David Majister

10x top writer. World traveler (26 countries). Runner (1k+ miles). Meditator (9.5k minutes). Introvert. Wild swimmer. Story maker.