The Scientific Way To Finding Your Creative Voice

James Prescott
Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2017


Photo Credit: Martin L via Creative Commons

Over a year ago, I was invited to a friend’s house. This friend is a creative arts teacher and was preparing one of her first big presentations. She wanted to test it on a couple of friends, and I was one of the guinea pigs.

The evening was designed to explore creativity and our artistic sides. Now, by no means am I a world-class drawer or painter — my creative gift has always involved words — but I decided to give it a go, anyway.

The main part of the evening involved grabbing an art pencil and a sheet of paper, closing your eyes, and drawing. I allowed my mind to drift and my hand to simply feel the pencil on paper and move into shapes. As I did this, something unlocked in me. Something important. Something creative.

My mind opened up to ideas I’d never even thought of before — and not just ones involving drawing.

Creativity was unleashed inside of me in a way it had never been.

This event made a profound impact on me and my work. It opened my mind to understanding something I knew but hadn’t experienced. I felt alive and free, ready to create.

We are all creative

In a world filled with stereotypes, we often find ourselves labeling people. “Sporty,” “intellectual,” “academic,” and “artistic,” are just a few that come to mind. It’s as if only certain types of people are capable of being one thing.

We do this with artistic people, too. Painters, singers, actors, writers, film-makers, animators — these are the ones we deem “creative.” Then, there is everyone else. But this is a lie.

We are all creative in our own right.

Take scientists. Imagination and creativity are absolute necessities in making major scientific breakthroughs. Without imagination, Rutherford wouldn’t have dreamed of splitting the atom, yet alone created a way to do it. Without imagination, we wouldn’t have discovered cures for all sorts of diseases and medication conditions.

Every single one of us has a creative side.

The question isn’t whether someone is creative, but how they express that creativity.

You might not be a writer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be creative. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a voice or something to bring into the world.

And even if you’re not a published author or well known filmmaker, musician painter or sculptor….you can still create art.

Truth is though, not all of us are going to be published authors and artists, selling millions of books and records. Indeed, not all of us will invent cures for diseases or split the atom.

Not all of us will go down in history for what we create.

But that’s not why we create.

Look at any of the great creative minds throughout history. I’m pretty sure they didn’t create to impress others. They did it for another reason.

With the example of art, in my case, writing, then if we make it for the sake of attention, we shouldn’t bother creating at all.

We don’t create for others.
We don’t create to impress or be the best.
We create, because we can.

Every single human being has a creative spark. Some call it divine; others attribute it to a Muse or the human spirit. But there is a drive in all of us — a source of inspiration — to create.

We create because we can’t not create. I write because I have words I need to share, and I’ll write them whether anyone sees them or not.

And a great scientist will keep experimenting, keep trying to do something new, even if an experiment fails. Because they can’t do anything but do that.

To be human, is to be creative.

The Secret To Finding Your Spark

So, that’s all well and good. But what if you don’t know what your gift is — what you’re supposed to create? What if you can’t find your true creative voice?

The answer is simple, and takes us back to science again:

The answer? Experiment. Just try something. And keep trying.

Because it all counts. Even the failed pieces are essential. They filter out what doesn’t quite work, and helps you get towards what does.

For example, get some paper and a pencil and draw. Sit down at a computer and write. Grab a camera and start shooting. Make a short film. All you have to do to get started is engage.

Give your art space to breathe, to flourish and grow. Keep experimenting until you find something you enjoy, something you love — and then keep doing it.

It doesn’t have to be world-class or a work of genius. It doesn’t even have to be “artistic” — because creativity can be found anywhere. It just has to matter to you.

What suffers when you don’t do this

What we create becomes a part of us. If you don’t engage with your creative spark, you’ll deny a part of who you are. There will be a piece of you that’s missing. Worse, you’ll hold back something incredible from the world: your art.

Maybe only two or three people will ever see what you create. Maybe only you will. But through the process you’ll discover something about yourself, something you never knew — another piece of your identity.

It’s time you engaged with your creative side. Nurture it, and let it grow. It will help you come fully alive.

What are you waiting for? Get creative today.


Want to begin exploring your creative side & discover you true creative voice? Check out my FREE e-book, ‘Dance Of The Writer: A Beginners Guide to Authentic Writing’ — you can get it free by signing up here.


Want to begin nurturing your creative side and building good creative habits, and need some one-to-one support? E-mail me at or go to and we can set up a chat.



James Prescott

Writer, Blogger & Podcaster • Author, Mosaic Of Grace’ & 'Dance Of The Writer' • Sign up for my FREE newsletter ‘May Contain Spoilers’ :