The secret to health is detoxification. Here’s how you do it.

James Lilley
Published in
12 min readMar 18, 2019


Detoxification is the process of removing harmful substances from the body. Detoxification is something your body does every second of every day. Over time, pathways used to eliminate toxins can become sluggish and less efficient. Fatigue sets in and brain fog becomes the new normal. The good news is, the body has six main detoxification pathways and each of these can be enhanced. The goal of this post is to show you how.

Doing most of the heavy lifting is the liver. But the kidneys, lungs, skin, lymphatic system and the digestive system also play an important role. As we move forward, we’ll take a brief look at each of these, what can go wrong, and more importantly, how to keep them running smoothly!

Let’s kick off with the lungs, just because.


Breathing isn’t something we think about but it only takes a few short seconds to remind us that the lungs are keeping us alive.

Oxygen is fed to the lungs via a series of tubes that branch off and become increasingly smaller in size. Sometimes we think of the lungs as two bags of air. A much better mental image would be to…



James Lilley

I aim to provide engaging content that's enjoyable to read. I’m also the author of the Amazon bestseller “The Healing Point.”