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The Strike

or, You Thought You were Paid Too Little

Rhonda Krol
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2019


Monday, the eighth was the first day.

The six piping hot pizzas came not much later that afternoon from a graduate of our high school. He’d worked in the States and had come back to Poland and was grateful for the foundations laid at our ambitious school.

Tuesday, a parent of a present pupil sent in a hundred delicious doughnuts. We gonna get fat at this rate ;) was heard around the Teachers’ Room.

The great support is for a group that has been pushed to the fringes for a humongous number of years. Low pay is one thing, chaos in the system another. Finally, it came down to ‘enough is enough’.

Part of the business sector has seen great growth and pay increases since the political changes of the ’90s. Others have got left behind. Education and the medical sector.

Sound familiar?

Now some teachers in the capital cannot plan dental work together with daily living expenses, some forget about going on holiday trips altogether. In a country of notorious lower than life salaries, the time has come to adjust the scale.

Perhaps this time we will get to the ‘average’ pay and working conditions. The majority of teachers and parents and kids are behind us.

Solidarity is a rare bird, even in the land of Solidarity.

Hold your thumb for us! (the PL equivalent of ‘cross your fingers’)



Rhonda Krol

Warm, warmer, got it! I love words, even more, the Maker of the meaning behind them.