The Torture of Living With Generalized Anxiety Disorder

When you’re drowning in fear, life becomes a living hell

Dawn Bevier


Image by Petro on Adobe

The International Society for Human Rights explains a Chinese method of torture known as the “water dungeon.”

“The victim is locked up in an iron cage, naked, and lowered into water until this reaches his/her neck. The victim very quickly becomes cold and is unable to sit or sleep. If they become unconscious, they drown. According to reports, some of these cages have nails on the inside, so that the victim cannot lean against the wall.”

This brutal form of torture feels extremely similar to generalized anxiety disorder. Although the comparison may sound overly dramatic to others, anyone who suffers from this disorder will tell you there’s no better analogy to describe their lives.

Here’s why.

You’re neck-deep in worry twenty-four hours a day.

Web MD explains the nature of generalized anxiety disorder as a disorder “marked by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events for no obvious reason.”

What most people don’t understand about those of us with generalized anxiety disorder is that the old adage to “let the evils of the day suffice” is close to…



Dawn Bevier

I am a teacher, thinker, learner, and writer. You can reach me at