The World Does Not Need To Be Saved

It Needs To Be Loved

Sakshi Udavant (Luna)
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2019



Call it placebo, or maybe it has something to do with me being a water sign, but water bodies have always felt like home.

Last year, as I was drowning in the deepest depths of depression, the waves breathed me back to life bringing me back to the shore.

This year, I went there again to see a few of my relatives, and as a strong non-believer in coincidences, I knew the sea was calling me home. It had something to give me, a pending lesson, a promised gift.

It gave me a vision, of something a lot bigger than me. Opened up my heart wider than the sea.


I used to call myself a lightworker and proclaim I was going to save and enlighten the world. I was going to ascend the world and set an example for the world to follow. Nobly narcissistic.

But as long as we see the world as 'something out there that's broken and needs to be fixed’, ‘evil people who need to be brought on track’ by the good



Sakshi Udavant (Luna)

Freelance writer and marketing consultant working with top-tier brands like PayPal, Mozilla, Insider, Digital Trends, etc. Get in touch: