There is a Spiritual Awakening Happening Around the World Right Now

And it is no accident

David O.
Published in
7 min readJan 11, 2022


Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

It has been the worst of times. It has been the best of times. This is the story of the world in the last few years. Below all the noise is something fascinating that the world has never seen on a scale like this. People are waking up to spirituality. And this doesn’t mean religion in any way. In fact, religion is fading because we are now seeing it for what humans have molded it to be — an object of division.

There is a principle of life known by most people as the law of opposites. This means that if there is an “inside”, then there must be an “outside”. If there is a way up, then there must be a way down. If there is a right, then there must be left. And as such if something very bad is happening, then there must be its polar opposite somewhere.

With the very tense arguments and division that are being propagated today, there is something else that is absolutely awesome happening between the lines that no one seems to be paying attention to. And this is — spiritual awakening.

I have never seen this. And I have never read of anything close in the history books. I believe it is unprecedented. But of course, you will not see it being displayed in mainstream media or social media. It seems to be somewhat under the…



David O.

I investigate things and write about them. Mostly around wealth, money, rich people, career, and business success. Not financial advice