Thirteen Years Ago I Went for a Run

It was the first time I ran with purpose.

Michael Horner


Sunrise run on the Virginia Beach Boardwalk. This photo was taken by the author on a recent run.

I began running a couple of months before this momentous run, but my runs were all pretty scattered with no focus.

Then, I heard about this strange race called The Marine Corps Marathon. I didn’t have a clue what a marathon was before I signed up, but I was intrigued about using it to honor family friends whose son had lost a leg in the war in Afghanistan.

At the time, I was still very large at over 240 pounds, and I didn’t run in real shoes. Instead, I kind of bounced along in my Kangoo © boots.

I had no idea where to start training for a marathon, but figured it involved getting my overweight behind out of the easy chair for a start.

That was where I found myself thirteen years ago, standing in my driveway with my boots buckled, and getting ready to tackle running to the lake near our townhome and back, a nearly two-mile run.

This was the moment when my life changed for the better, and I stopped the pity party I had been having for myself for the past three years after the biggest failure of my life had kicked my ass back to the United States from my brief time in the former Soviet Union.

This was the day I stopped living in the past, and…



Michael Horner

Full-time business person, ultra-runner, writer, and podcaster. I exist in the world of YOU CAN!