This Simple Process Will Help You Achieve Your Biggest Goals

Planning isn’t optional.

Christopher D. Connors


Photo by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash

Whether you are a writer, small business owner, artist, athlete, or student, a well-defined process will help drive you toward commitment and increase the probability of achieving your goals. There is literally no doubt that a well-defined process will take you there. The only question is where you’re willing to do the planning work to make it happen.

10 years ago, as I sat at my dining room table downtrodden and sullen, I stared out the window and saw myself living a life in the years to come that would make me miserable. The truth is, if I kept going on the path I was on, despite making money, driving a nice car, and living in a nice apartment, I would surely find myself there.

I had no process. No plan. The things I was doing weren’t making me happy. My sources of fun and pleasure were truly ephemeral. So, what did I do?

I took the time to build a process that would put me on track to achieve the goals I wanted. The only way to ensure I’d get there would be to actually do the work. But that’s the tricky part. Most people say they’ll do the work, but without a plan or process, it likely won’t get done. Even if it does, it won’t be done efficiently or effectively.

