It is our privilege. But what to do with THIS set of choices? Image credit: @scukrov, depositphotos.

What Perspective can we Gain from a Year?

Caroline DePalatis
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2016


(I published this, my first-ever Medium piece, on October 17, 2016 under the title, “This, Too, Shall Pass.” Now, a year later, I’m realizing it hasn’t. But my perspective has.)

Yesterday I admitted to myself I have an addiction. I’ve been addicted to this maniacal presidential election news cycle, allowing it to poison my mind, control my thoughts and render me, at times, quite dysfunctional when I’ve needed to be functional.

In the same way as I’m drawn to sugar — especially dark chocolate — I’ve found myself craving the latest breaking news about a downward-spiraling U.S. presidential race. The lurid reports of sexual scandals and emails dripping with controversy tantalized my sense of injustice. As they should. But there is both a healthy and unhealthy dimension to this pull.

Healthy because I know this is not how things should be. With each new revelation about either major-party candidate, my sense of injustice grows. Surely, we reason, out of almost 325 million U.S. citizens, we could do better, right?

Does it all come down to the lesser of two evils? (And, for me, one does stand out as the greater evil, but I choose to remain neutral here for the purpose of this article.)

To this question, the third-party candidates would emphatically shout out “No!” But how do we know they are any better? Will my vote for a third-party candidate or a write-in matter, or distract?

Unhealthy because what we’re now encountering is poison to our souls. Poison. With these two particular major-party candidates, we knew it might go in this direction. But, on a very personal level, I have to counter the pull to inject that poison into my veins. It is doing me no good. And it doesn’t make an iota of change in the outcome.

A Worthy Perspective

I remember an article I read back in February this year, written by John Piper. It’s title? Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me. Dr. Piper is a well-respected Christian theologian. He may not be your cup of tea. But his point is worth noting (and admiring).

He likens himself to these three candidates on two levels. First, they are all either septuagenarians or nearly. Second, they all desire to have influence. But from there, he goes on to describe how he differs in his pursuit of influence. They seek temporal influence. For Piper, it’s all about the eternal. That’s where he endeavors to keep his focus during this election cycle.

I only wish I had followed his advice better.

I’ve often felt pulled into a vortex during this presidential election season. Can you relate? Image credit: TT on Pixabay.

What Actually Happened to Me

I got sucked in. Perhaps it’s because I’m a bit of a news junkie. I’m especially drawn to international news, since my passion and fascination lies in everything international. Peoples, cultures, languages, travel, food, immersive experiences, international affairs, diplomacy, humanitarian issues, conflict resolution, art, literature & music — you name it. Especially people, I may add.

The U.S. presidential election seems to have little to do with that. On the surface. In reality, who our next president is matters. At least for four years. It affects the mood and tone in our country. And that will spill over into our domestic and international policies, as well as the relationships we have with other countries and their people.

Because my work involves regular contact with people from a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds — and so many have become dear friends — what happens along these lines in the White House, on Capitol Hill and in the Supreme Court matter to me.

Enough is Enough!

But it has gone too far. I need to quit my addiction.

It is enough! I will no longer let myself be sucked into this morass. I desire to take the higher ground.

That higher ground is to remain hopeful those with a true sense of justice will rise up and vote for it. It also means a return to moral, sane discourse, eventually leading to the election of people with integrity. People worthy of our trust, respect and admiration on all fronts.

On a practical level, for me that higher ground means focusing on the local candidates and issues, voting my conscience as clearly as I can for the presidential race, and getting my absentee ballot sent in soon.

And praying. Waiting. Watching. Hoping. And believing this, too, shall pass.

You can read more of Caroline’s writing at and here on Medium. If you want to be part of the solution, download our free ebook, You can be the Bridge: A CultureWeaver’s Manifesto, and get started today!



Caroline DePalatis

writer • international educator • creative instigator+hope sower: • 15 smart ways to raise a global citizen ➤ 🌎🌍🌏