Tinder for Artificial Intelligence?

Scientists just got AI to read minds and create the most attractive face.

Alison Escalante MD


A new artificial intelligence rig reads brainwaves to determine the face we find most attractive. Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

It sounds like an episode of Netflix’s The One- except this time instead of using DNA to find your perfect romantic match, artificial intelligence reads your mind and finds the face of your ideal mate.

But this isn’t Sci-Fi, it’s a real research study. Scientists just got AI to read people’s minds and determine the face they’ll find the most attractive. The possible applications are where it gets interesting. They range from insight into unconscious bias to targeted dating apps.

Researchers at the University of Helsinki and the University of Copenhagen wanted to find out if an AI program could learn what features make a face attractive to an individual. And then they wanted to know if the computer could take it one step further and actually design new images of faces to a person’s idea of attractiveness.

“In our previous studies, we designed models that could identify and control simple portrait features, such as hair color and emotion. However, people largely agree on who is blond and who smiles. Attractiveness is a more challenging subject of study, as it is associated with cultural and psychological factors that likely play unconscious roles in our individual preferences. Indeed, we…



Alison Escalante MD

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