Unknown Longevity

Anna D. Invernizzi
Published in
1 min readMay 22, 2019

A poem about late-spring skies

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

Sun pierces the sky
Poised, pearluminescent,
As purposeful beams tumble over mountainous strata.
Anointing the tree tops
This ephemeral entity
blessed circumplex complexity
Without motive;
Simply to be.
Unknown longevity of momentary clarity,
The imperfect polarity
in each and every tone,
Alive with a beauty that is felt, not known.


Copyright Anna D. Invernizzi 2019

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Anna D. Invernizzi

Multidimensional Creative | Exhibited Artist | Exploring life & all facets of the human experience www.AlchemistoftheArts.co.uk @alchemist.of.the.arts