Finding Peace in Your Career Is Just One Mindset Away

Four ways to take care of your mental health

Marcus Chan


Man thinking about falling off the stairs | Marcus Chan
Image designed by the author.

Pale blue skies rested on my eyes. Never-ending sea breezes carried my worries away with them. The salt air left hints of saltiness on my lips.

I fell asleep to the lazy waves that hugged the shore as the fine sand found shelter between my toes.

There wasn't a thought about my career, money, where to go next, or what I could’ve been doing to be more productive. I was merely existing. One breath on this breathtaking beach at a time.

This was the most amount of ‘peace’ I’ve had in years. If I could quantify peace.

As a creator, there is this unspoken weight on our shoulders that we ought to press our feet on the accelerator and keep producing content, one after another, for as long as possible, in the name of consistency. So, many of us end up hustling for months and years on end, to make sure we maximise all room for improvement.

We only ever take breaks when our bodies tell us to.

I’ve been there. It isn’t pretty for both mental and physical health.

Although it took a while to overhaul my approach toward this career, it’s so much healthier than before.



Marcus Chan

Writer by title, storyteller at heart. Writing about life, money, and work. Newsletter: Ebook: