What Do You Do When Silence Screams?

What does silence mean to you?

Elaine Hilides


I’ve never been on a silent retreat. Can you be silent? Even when you stop your inner narrator from saying mean things, can you silence it completely?

And not everyone is comfortable when their mind quietens and they hear their thoughts.

When you’re silent, you’re still chatting.

Can you experience an absence of sound? If you were somewhere quiet, you’d be able to hear your heartbeat and maybe a ringing in your ears.

And there are many types of silence. Silence speaks volumes.

Is silence always a good thing?


Survivor and activist Tarana Burke founded the “Me Too” movement in 2006, but the hashtag didn’t go viral until 2017.

After women came out against Weinstein, Burke’s slogan was adopted overnight by people sharing their experiences of rape and sexual assault in Hollywood, in offices, in government, and everywhere else people had previously been silenced.

By October 2018, Twitter had used the tag more than 19 million times.

Abused people will not be silenced or silent anymore.



Elaine Hilides

I'll help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Currently enjoying a digital nomadic life travelling, working and having fun.