What is Freedom

(Not What The World Tells You It Is) and How Do We Honor it?

Christina Vaughn: Nurse, Writer, Creator.
Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2019


Photo by vivek kumar on Unsplash

A Question of Honor

I want to talk about an issue that has been compromised in the media lately, …one that is not be compromised with. That issue is freedom.

My grandfather and 2 of his 4 brothers fought in WW2. My grandfather was a medic and saw horrible things in the name of patriotism at the tender age of 17.

He and his enlisted brothers all served heroically and lived to come home to my great grandmother while one became a national hero and worked for NASA after the war.

My father was in the Marines during Vietnam. He and 5 of his friends enlisted. He was the only one married with a baby (me) on the way and subsequently, he was stationed in Cherry Point, North Carolina while all his other friends went to Vietnam.

None of them came back.

All of the men mentioned went to war with the belief they were there to fight for honor and to fight in the name and the jurisdiction of freedom.

Defining a mindset of integrity

Freedom from what? Freedom to do what?

Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or…



Christina Vaughn: Nurse, Writer, Creator.

Medical research writer. Wellness/mental health, addiction/parenting. Published Amazon author: Of Death and Brokenness…