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What is Your Mindset? A Harvard Study

More Importantly, What is Your Child’s Mindset?

Kristina H
Published in
8 min readNov 26, 2018


Over the past two days, I have been attending training courses on Mindset and children.

Mindset has been a buzzword in my work world for quite some time and the courses I have taken have created many AHA! moments for me. It really has resonated with me in my writing work, my work with children, and my office mentality.

As a writer, it has come to my attention, that perhaps my Mindset has been compromised. With children, it is an immeasurable value to help them understand what Mindset entails, and working within an office of over 60 employees (mostly women), changing my Mindset will improve my work ethic, my attitude and my work/life balance.

Let me break it down

Based on a Harvard study, as well as MULTIPLE research studies, there are two main Mindsets to consider when you self analyze, or when you work with children. Please bear in mind, I am not the expert when I explain this, however, once you learn about the two Mindsets, it creates a thought process that helps the way you think, and may change your direction of thought process.

If I was to use an analogy, such as Hockey, it may be easier to explain:



Kristina H

Writer of relationships / early childhood and mental health . Poetry and fiction dabbler