Lessons You Can Learn From Adolf Hitler

Here are 5 lessons to remember:

Indra Raj Pathak
5 min readDec 9, 2023


Photo by Erika Fletcher on Unsplash

I understand you may be absolutely confused. You, somewhere in mind, may think that I am a Nazi supporter. What lesson can such a deplorable, the most hated, cruel dictator in history like Hitler can leave behind? But you know, even the dirtiest creature in this universe possesses a unique virtue that we can notice with a positive eye.

It is undeniably challenging and uncomfortable to discuss the lessons that can be learned from Adolf Hitler, a figure responsible for unimaginable atrocities and human suffering during World War II.

It is of utmost importance to state clearly from the start that this analysis does not endorse or validate Hitler’s actions.

The aim here is to analyze historical events critically and extract any potential lessons, even from the darkest corners of history.

Here are five lessons to never forget and act upon them:

Lesson1: Safeguard Democratic Values for a just and fair society

Hitler’s rise to power revealed that the democratic institutions are vulnerable to manipulate and exploit easily.

Thus, in the bounden duty of both citizens and leaders to come together to defend democracy they need to actively take part in the democratic process.

We need to ensure that every voter stays informed and holds leaders accountable. But alas! In most democratic countries today, the accountability of ruling leaders has never been questioned massively during the regime. Some of them were prosecuted when they got down after incurring irreparable loss to their countries.

The lesson here is that complacency can lead to the erosion of democratic values. Therefore, no deviation from the principles of democracy is to be tolerated.

Although civic education is introduced as Social Science/Civics — a compulsory subject in High School Curriculum in almost every democratic country in the world, yet there is a pressing need to emphasize its practical aspect with a view to produce citizens who understand the importance of democratic values, the rule of law, and protecting human rights.

Citizens with a sense of civic duty can create societies that can resist undemocratic pursuits at the grassroots.

Lesson 2: Mighty Propaganda without reins! Never

Hitler’s effective use of propaganda demonstrated that it has a great potential to shape public opinion effectively and manipulate perceptions unquestionably.

There was a sea change in the power of propaganda in 1945 and 2023. We live in a world of the Information Age where a piece of news reaches all corners of the world within an hour. We see every day how a naked falsehood is presented in shining attire to pass for a genuine truth! Concoctions become viral and turn into reality overnight.

Therefore, every netizen must rise to the occasion and be guardians against propaganda. They have to develop strong media literacy skills. Critical thinking, fact-checking, and a discerning approach to information sources are vital components of a society intolerant of manipulation.

The public can make informed decisions if they are aware of the techniques employed in propaganda, as well as the consequences of misinformation. Educative documentaries are to be produced and shown to the masses.

Nowadays, most of the world’s great media empires are puppets of ruling governments. What a fall! It is time to act, not grudge and grumble. Therefore, common people in every country contribute a little to run an impartial Media house to bear a responsibility to uphold journalistic integrity. And only they can provide accurate and unbiased information to the public.

Lesson 3: Welcome Diversity to promote Social Harmony

The atrocities of the Holocaust underscore the devastating impact of unchecked prejudice and discrimination.

We could not learn a lesson to promote tolerance, diversity, and inclusivity. Education fails to combat prejudice by fostering an understanding of different cultures, religions, and backgrounds.

Why? In every democratic country, politicians polarize during elections to grab power. Because there is hardly any country with a popular leader. Almost all political parties nurture and groom differences among diversity to isolate.

Diversity is challenged, and social harmony is threatened all over the world. White-black, Muslims-Christians-Jews-Hindus, Native-Migrants, and ethnic minorities are basic elements of diversity. Nine out of ten countries could not make peace with diversity.

When one party comes to power, their governments enact policies that protect minority rights and create an environment where diversity is celebrated. But in everyday life, situations could coexist where diversity is feared. They organize programs to promote tolerance so that societies can build a foundation for social harmony and unity, preventing the emergence of ideologies rooted in hatred and exclusion.

There is a need to reject hypocritical politics to build up a sound structure of social harmony and unconditional unity.

Lesson 4: Support Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Hitler’s militaristic aggression resulted in one of the deadliest conflicts in history.

Look at the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, the European Union, instead of prioritizing peaceful conflict resolution through diplomacy, negotiation, and international cooperation is giving all aids to continue war, including the United States. Even then, we didn’t stop there. Here is the Hamas-Israel Conflict. Some are with Hamas, and some with Israel. The day is not very far when the world will be divided into two blocks like the Second World War.

The lesson is clear: We need to invest in diplomatic efforts, conflict prevention strategies, and multilateral institutions essential to avoiding the human and economic toll of war.

Fostering a culture of dialogue and understanding between nations can contribute to long-term stability. Promoting peaceful conflict resolution requires a commitment to addressing the root causes of conflicts, such as socioeconomic inequality, political instability, and human rights abuses.

Lesson 5: Reflect to grow

Why should we study the darkest chapters of history, including Hitler’s actions?

They provide us with an opportunity for reflection and growth. It allows societies to learn from past mistakes and acknowledge the consequences of unchecked power.

The present world scenario of conflicts makes me believe that we have unconsciously forgotten the situations that ultimately led to World War. Therefore, Hitler’s dark history is to be read again and again for the collective introspection to develop a shared human wisdom that transcends borders and cultures.

The uncomfortable truths of history inspire us to gain a deeper understanding of the fragility of peace and the importance of upholding ethical principles. This knowledge serves as a guide for future generations. It makes them build a world that rejects the horrors of the past and embraces a shared commitment to justice, equality, and the preservation of human dignity.



Indra Raj Pathak

Educationist, pragmatic, writer-poet by passion. Editor.