What to Do If Everything You Know About Writing Is a Lie?

Once you throw out the rules, there’s no going back

T. M. Watson


“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
— Franz Kafka

There’s a feeling you get writing a fiction story. This feeling makes your heart beat stronger, your mind opens up, fingers deliberately pound the keys as they struggle to keep up with your thoughts. Once you discover this feeling, there’s no going back.

Because, you see, you have tasted power. You’ve become addicted, taking control of characters you have created and directions they’ll go. They’ll thrive under your command, be good characters, evil ones that will live or die.

And, they might rebel against the system, breaking the rules.

Consistently striving to make my writing better, I research books about this wonderful craft. Something baffles me as I’m writing fictional stories, though.

Apparently, I’m supposed to follow rules, by placing a story’s events in a certain order. In essence, telling the writer how to ‘structure’…



T. M. Watson

Writer, author, researcher on self-preservation. I love good coffee & meaningful, heartfelt conversation. Buy me a coffee@ https://ko-fi.com/tmwatson