What Would You Rather, Being Alone in the Woods With a Bear or a Man?

99% of women have responded “bear” in this new TikTok trend.

Desiree Peralta


Photo by Federico Di Dio photography on Unsplash

A few weeks ago, people began asking women in TikTok videos whom they would prefer to encounter if they were alone in a forest: a bear or a man.

I thought the question was hilarious. I responded, “The bear,” without a doubt, in less than five seconds.

When I read the comments, all the women agreed with my opinion; not a single woman said she would rather be with a man on any of the hundred posts I have seen about it.

We know that the worst a bear could do to us is kill us.

The problem began when the men started not to accept our answer. Many men got mad that any woman preferred to be with a man alone in the woods. They started calling us stupid, that we were ignorant and didn’t know what we were talking about, that probably the man was just there walking, that who would help us if the bear attacked us.

The reality of this debate is that they started it in a non-genuine way. They didn’t ask it expecting a real answer.

When men ask these exaggerated and non-realistic questions, it’s usually because they want compliments. They want to hear that they are not so bad. They want us…



Desiree Peralta

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/