What You Need To Know About Money and Freelance Writing

You don’t have to be poor to be a freelance writer.

Phyllis Romero


Image from StockSnap on Pixabay

I joined Medium a year ago as a part-time freelancer. In the beginning, I hoped to make a successful transition to more full-time work here on the platform, but I quickly had to remind myself that I had bills to pay.

During my time as a Medium writer, I’ve been fortunate enough to cross paths with many talented and ambitious writers who have so much to offer. I’ve been part of Medium communities where writers share their passions, successes, failures, and complaints. And the common thing I hear is that these writers can’t make a living on Medium or that Medium is shortchanging them.

Admittedly, I have written little here on Medium during the past few months. I’ve been busy writing for clients all over the world. Except for a fortunate few, earning a full-time living on Medium is challenging.

And while many writers, myself included, would write for nothing if we could, the fact is that the world revolves around money. The mortgage or rent has to be paid, and we need to eat.

Unfortunately, what I’ve noticed about many writers is that they seem “stuck”. They don’t realize there are so many opportunities out there to earn money as a freelance writer. Many put all of…



Phyllis Romero

Freelance Writer, Armchair Psychologist, Philosopher, Upcoming Author, Nature Lover, People Lover.