What You Think and Do Affects People

Why keeping your vibes high matters

renee tarantowski


Photo by Denis Agati on Unsplash

The other day, hubs sent a video of a lawyer on a zoom call who couldn’t get his cat filter off. In the video, the exchange went something like this:

Lawyer 1: I’m not a cat.

Lawyer 2: I know you aren’t a cat.

Hang on . . . I had to stop writing to laugh. Not just laugh but then blow my nose and wipe the tears from my eyes. I can’t stop laughing about just the thought of this simple exchange. My sides will ache when I wake up tomorrow morning.

I don’t laugh like this often, but when it happens, it stays with me.

When my kids were little, I laughed every day. Each joyful day I experienced one thing or another that made me burst out laughing. I loved those years. As I get older, I’m finding moments infused with childlike joy again — a lawyer with a Texan accent saying he’s not a cat . . . when he looks exactly like a cat . . . it makes no sense why I find that hilarious.

I’m not sure how I lost the magical joy of hysterical laughing that subsides to days of spontanous giggles— probably a fully packed schedule and the constant worry that at any point, life would all turn to shit. Those survival mode years. Thankfully, that…



renee tarantowski

Health and Wellness Writer, Educational Psychology, Adventurous Momma to 4, healer, teacher, traveler, everyday creativity.