When There’s Too Much Information About Writing To Actually Write

Michael Shook
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2019


I thought my brain was going to explode

hands using a laptop to write
Image courtesy of meminsito via Pixabay

I used to think I knew what I was doing when it came to writing, but it seems now that I was mistaken in that belief. I used to sit down and simply write. I didn’t have writer’s block; I didn’t worry that I was going to get trolled in some obscure Facebook group, and I wasn’t afraid to write in a way that made me comfortable.

Those were the good old days of writing. And I loved them.

Enter the internet, stage right

In the beginning days of the net, life was relatively easy for writers. Every website you looked at had only 16 colors to choose from, was centered, and you had to tell people to use www in your website address to find you.

Most of the websites centered around writing. Not writing about writing, just writing about what you liked. For people with even a fraction of technical ability, the web allowed you to share your ideas with other people without the need to use paper and ink.

For folks like me, whose handwriting was illegible, this was a godsend. I could write something, post it online, fix the typos, and repost it for anyone to read. It was the best “one to many” communication style I had ever experienced.

