Why Do We Get So Grumpy & Unproductive After 40?

Life should be getting easier, and yet we struggle to cope

Chris Davidson
Published in
6 min readJan 16, 2024



If you’ve danced past the big 4–0, you might have noticed a few changes that affect your ability to get things done.

At times, for me, as a 47-year-old Dad-of-3, my energy isn’t what it used to be, and my to-do list feels like it’s written in a foreign language.

And watching videos on Youtube of some sprightly 20-something trying to teach me Productivity Hacks never seems to help!

I’ve noticed a few changes as I’ve gotten older that have affected my ability to cope with all the cr*p on my plate. Some I’ve managed to overcome, others I’m still in a daily battle with. I’m sure at least a few of these will ring a bell for you too…

1. Where The Hell Did All My Energy Go?

I remember in the late 90s I could be out clubbing until 1am and still get to class at 9am. I’d be lucky to make it to class by 9pm these days.

If I don’t get enough quality sleep I’m a grumpy mess, and my To-Do list stays pretty much intact until the next day.

After 40 the key thing is to understand you are no longer bulletproof, and need some TLC in the…



Chris Davidson

Coach to busy, confused & out-of-shape Men Over-40 • Dad of 3 • Irishman • Writer • Grab my 'DadBod Overhaul' book here: