Why Do We Write? — A Love Letter to the Craft

8 Reasons why writing makes you a better human being

N.A. Turner
Published in
7 min readOct 8, 2019


Photo by janeb13 on Pixabay

When I write fiction it’s like I get to go into a time machine and experience being a kid again. Writing allows me to escape the ‘real’ world and explore imaginary other worlds.

To me, writing is the ultimate grown-up form of playing. The best thing about being a writer is that you get to make up your own rules. You decide — well, at least at first before your editor has a go.

But in all seriousness, isn’t writing a wonderful thing? I mean, I get hired by companies to eat, but I write stories so I can live.

A while ago I wrote a love letter to reading. Now it’s time to write a love letter to my favorite activity.

#1: You never stop learning and growing

The more you write, the better you become at the craft. It’s a simple fact. Ask any writer.

“Writing is hard, but the more you write, and enjoy what you write, the better it gets.”— Alice Munro

When I compare my first few short stories with the most recent ones, I immediately see the difference. Characters have more depth, scenes feel more immersive. I need fewer words to invoke a feeling or emotion or give background…



N.A. Turner

I write about writing & creativity. Short story writer and novelist. Amazon best-selling author. Free eBook with writing tips: bit.ly/TurnerMail