Why I Included My Son in the Period Conversation

Removing the stigma from menstruation

Crystal Jackson
Published in
5 min readAug 23, 2024


Photo by Natracare on Unsplash

I’m trying to normalize the experience of being human to my children. Periods aren’t weird or disgusting in my household. They’re just a normal part of the growing-up package when the one doing that growing has a uterus. When my daughter hit those tween years, I knew it was time to sit her down and talk about menstruation and what she should expect. I also had my son, two years her junior, sit in on the conversation to learn more about what changes might occur, what periods are, and how this time of the month is managed.

Why I Included My Son in the Conversation

This also opened up the conversation to talk about how his body will change in the coming years. It was a frank conversation without all the embarrassment and discomfort I remember from these talks growing up. I approached it calmly and showed my daughter the period kits I bought for her to keep one at home and one in her school backpack. My son was able to see it, too. We discussed each product and how it’s used, and I gave her the option of using period panties or pads with the option of using tampons, cups, or other menstrual products.

At times, my daughter likes to discuss this in private without her brother’s participation. I honor…

