Why Today’s Women Prefer “Weak Men”

And why this is pissing off some dudes.

Desiree Peralta


Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

I was in the supermarket doing my monthly refill when a man in his 50s approached me.

“I like your hair.”

It was a simple compliment, so I smiled and said thank you, then continued what I was doing like nothing happened. I wasn’t interested in a man twice my age and didn’t want to entertain myself either.

I was in that place to shop, and that’s it.

However, the man seemed interested in starting a conversation, so he started following me in a subtle way and making small talk in every hallway I went to.

“Do you like pancakes?” “You should try this juice; it tastes better than the one you have,” “My daughter wants to go to fashion school when she is older; I told her she needs to start taking care of her image from now.”

Each comment made less sense than the previous one, so I began to make a huge effort to ignore him. Something that he didn’t take so well.

“Do you know the problem with young women like you?” He said casually.

I stopped and looked at him, motionless. At this point, I was afraid to answer yes or no. I have never been strong enough to call a big man out; it was my mistake he went too far.



Desiree Peralta

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/